Journey to the Sacred Maosan In the year of 2002, Master Chi Tak along with two of his disciples, Terry So and Jeffrey Cheung began their journey to the sacred mountain, Maosan in Jiangsu, China to exchange the Eastern religious culture with the Western world. Master Chi Tak and his disciples went to Maosan Daoyuen, one of the leading temples of Taoism in China, where they were welcomed by Taoist 'Sau Zik" Ping Kezhu.
Taoist Ping led them to the venerable Master Zhu Yijing, the founder of Maosan Daoyuen. Master Zhu took Master Chi Tak as an apprentice to learn Taoism. After the apprentice ceremony, Master Zhu exchanged the philosophies of Taoism with Master Chi Tak. After the apprenticeship, Master Zhu allowed Master Chi Tak to take back to the United States, the statues of the Three Great Masters Maosan Saam See Kung who found the Maosan religion.
The following day, Master Zhu held a ceremony to send the statues to Master Chi Tak. So the Great Masters could be worshiped in the United States.
In 2003, Master Chi Tak and his disciples Terry So, Jeffrey Cheung and Alex Chiu made another journey to the Maosan Daoyuen in Jiangsu, China. Once again, Master Chi Tak met with Master Zhu. Their discussions centered on how to serve as a spiritual and cultural center for people interested in learning about Taoism and Chinese culture. This time Master Chi Tak was allowed to bring the statues of Yuk Wong Daai Dai and Saam Tin Tai Shuen Lo Gwun back to the United States.
The statues of Maosan Saam See Kung, Yuk Wong Daai Dai and Saam Tin Tai Shuen Lo Gwun are in the Maosan Lukyum Temple in San Gabriel, CA. where the disciples and followers can worship them and come to pray.
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